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PepperdineDennis taught three classes at the 1995 Annual Lectures at Pepperdine University, Malibu, California (Ministering to the Families of Persons with Alzheimer's and Ministering to Persons with AIDS).


ACUDennis taught classes at the 1993 & 1994 Annual Lectures of Abilene Christian University, in Abilene, Texas (Ministering in Times of Crisis). In 1994, taught a class to minister interns at the Institute for Christian Studies in Austin, Texas (The Ministry of Helping).



HardingDennis taught two classes on The Restoration Forum in 1999, in Calgary, Canada (Praying for Unity).




Home Page - What is Dennis Doing? - Where has Dennis Been? - What has Dennis Said?
What has Dennis Written? - What have People Said about Dennis? - Anna Crawford
Résumé - Infrequently Asked Questions - Guest Book

Dennis Crawford
500 Slaydon St.
Henderson, Texas 75654
Phone: 903-655-2491

Last update of this page: February 10, 2003
Design by Michael Tackett.

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