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standingClick on the links below to hear audio clips from these sermons:

Why Jesus Ate with Sinners
When Jesus called Levi (Matthew) to follow him. Levi didn't have sense enough to know you don't throw a big party, invite all your sinner-friends and introduce them to Jesus. Listen...

Nothin' Don't Mean Nothin'
Solomon was the worst preacher in the world. The introduction to his sermon was, "Meaningless, meaningless." Who would stay and listen to a sermon like that? His sermon was the results of looking at the world as if there were no God. Listen...

Forgiveness and Healing for the Divorced
How do we treat divorced people? . . .You may tell your child not to play in the street. She may disobey. You're in the kitchen. You hear a scream. Your daughter was hit while playing in the street. What do you do then? Go out into the street, stand over her and say, "I told you not to play in the street! You disobeyed and got what you deserve!" No, you'd pick her up and get her to a place of healing ASAP. I'm for marriage and against divorce. But I'm also for getting those who have been run over by divorce to a place of healing and forgiveness in God's church. Listen...

What do You Smell like Today?
What do you smell like? We spend bajillions of dollars every year on perfumes, colognes, and breath mints. But do you smell like Jesus? Listen...

MarriageI'm Happy to be Stuck with You
Marriage—you may lose you hair, your figure and your mind. But I made a vow to stay with you until death parts us. As Huey Lewis sang, "I'm happy to be stuck with you." Listen...

Who's Surfing Who?
Dig in the couch and find the sacred remote. But as you surf the channels ask, "Who's surfing who?" Much of the time the TV's in control. Listen...

sittingThe Effects of Sin
What happened in the garden? . . .When Adam ate the fruit he looked up and said, AAAAAAH! Eve, you're NAKED! They hid from God. Listen...

Start at the End
We once lived in a house in which the carport held only the front half of the car. Why? The carpenters had no blueprint. They didn't know what the finished house should look like. How do you want your life to turn out? You have to start at the end. Listen...

God Fills the Void in Our Souls
We have a God-shaped hole in our soul that we try to fill with drugs, sex, booze, food or whatever—nothing fills that void except God. Listen...

Top 10 Reasons for Maintaining the Status Quo
One of Dennis' Top 10 Reasons for Maintaining the Status Quo is, "Status quo churches have dull classes and sermons. That gives everyone at least three hours to catch up on their sleep each week." Click the link to hear all ten. Listen...

God is Full of Grace
All have sinned. That's an indictment, not an excuse. Some say, "I don't sin." But they're talking about the big sins. We overlook the ways we fall short of God's glory every day. The speed limit is 30 m.p.h. You drive 31, that's a sin. Thank God he's full of grace. Listen...

If Only
Each year I celebrate John Lennon's birthday by humming, Hey Jude (all twenty minutes of it) and I wonder, "What if?" Listen...

God's Great Rescue Mission
Let's pretend the communion table is a little world I've created where the people are tiny, tiny, no bigger than fleas. I see them hurting each other. This hurts me. I say, "I LOVE YOU. DON'T HURT EACH OTHER." But my voice sounds like thunder and they hold their ears. To let them know who I am and how much I care I must become one of them. That's exactly what Jesus did. Listen...

Getting There is Half the Fun
If a set of golf clubs was invented that let you hit a hole in one on every hole, would you want one? What if they developed a ball that would get you a par on every hole, would you want one? Golf would cease to be fun—it's the process that matters in our trip from earth to heaven. Listen...

A Great Time to Be Silver

Please Recycle

Creative Brooding

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Dennis Crawford
500 Slaydon St.
Henderson, Texas 75654
Phone: 903-655-2491

Last update of this page: February 10, 2003
Design by Michael Tackett.

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