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"Dennis Crawford not only is a surrendered servant of God, he is a genuinely genuine man. He is one of the few people on this earth I would trust with anything I have, including the safety of my family or the confidentiality of my deepest secrets. Not only is he one of the most gifted writers in the nation, he is just as gifted when dealing with people one on one: He understands them and knows their hearts. I heartily recommend him as a minister, a Christian, a husband, and a man."
Joe Beam, Founder/President - Family Dynamics Institute   

"Dennis is a humble, compassionate servant of the Lord. He also serves God's children. You get two for the price of one. Dennis preaches with the people instead of at the people..."
Celeste Scarborough, Austin, TX   

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"Dennis' writing and speaking style makes me think of one friend telling another, 'Hey, guess what cool thing I learned about God this week.' His disarming presentation doesn't distract you from the real message. Instead, he seems to step out of the way and let the Word really speak to you. You find that you are a better person for having listened."
Michael Tackett, Arlington, TX   

"Dennis has been a Godsend for this church... He has brought revival to this church... He is intellectually stimulating as well as stimulates the emotions... and really stirs people and gets them fired up about the Lord... and he is into all kinds of ministry... a very relate-able person and just a wonderful person to be around... He is for changes in the church... that will grow God's kingdom."
Susan Cash, West Memphis, AR

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"...he preaches from the Bible, but he also preaches from the heart."
Bill Yen, West Memphis, AR
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"Dennis truly has a unique talent. Growing up in the church it is easy for church to become monotonoushearing the same stories and topics over the years. Dennis has a wonderful gift of presenting these topics and Bible stories in a new light so that they continue to be interesting. When I hear him speak he makes me want to be a better person."
Wayne Cook, West Memphis, AR
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"Dennis reached out and touched people in a way that most preachers don't... He related to so many more types of people. He opened his heart and his life to those many conventional preachers don't. He seemed to fit in with the 'sinners' like Jesus did."
Alex Blankenship, West Memphis, AR
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"Dennis is very creative and energetic and he really cares..."
Brandy McAdams, West Memphis, AR
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"He's worked with the elders and the deacons to set up new programs at this church to allow people to become more active in their ministry. Dennis has been a tremendous asset to Missouri Street Church of Christ..."
Jeff McAdams
, West Memphis, AR   
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"I was raised in the church... fell about as far away from it as you could ever get. Dennis just helped me to realize that it wasn't so much as what people thought about it but it was what the Lord thought about me and I'm trying to do better with His help."
Jimmy Owens
, West Memphis, AR   
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"Dennis is a wonderful person and preacher and he's got a wonderful wife...They've been so good for the people here at Missouri Street."
Loretta Tacker
, West Memphis, AR   
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"He's been a really big part of my life in leading me from the pulpit. I've understood what he's had to say very clearly... His style of preaching is a conversational style of preaching and it's challenged me to think and to grow..."
Chris Cash
, West Memphis, AR   
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"...Dennis has been such an inspiration for my family. Hunter and I have had some marital trouble and he's been there for us... My husband's been over there late at night and talked to him..."
Sacha Logan
, West Memphis, AR   
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"I've had the privilege of working with Dennis for almost a year and I have enjoyed every bit of it... He has a heart for ministry and a heart for people..."
Kyle Strickland, Youth Minister
, West Memphis, AR   
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"...Dennis has really done a tremendous job with the community. His relationship with the community has been outstanding... our contribution is up at least $1,500 a week... he has a good relationship with people. He knows how to get his points across."
James Holt, Elder
, West Memphis, AR   
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"Dennis brought a new spirit to our congregation, he revived our spirit... something that we needed very badly... He was vital in bringing our contribution up to the point that it needed to be..."
Joe Combs, Elder
, West Memphis, AR   
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"I've come to love and appreciate [Dennis and Anna Crawford] very much and I would not hesitate to recommend Dennis to any church in the brotherhood."
Jerry Chapple, Elder
, West Memphis, AR   
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"In knowing and serving with Dennis he has taught me how to grow in my giving to God both financially and spiritually. He has also shown me through his example how to reach out and touch a certain part of our church family... He has the ability to write things that come from his heart and allows me as a hearer to see things in a different light. This helps me in my position as an elder and most important as a Christian... one of Dennis' greatest assets is his wife, Anna. She fully supports him in his preaching duties and so often works with him side by side. They both are loved and respected in this community."
M.L. "Butch" Pike, Elder
, West Memphis, AR   
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"[Dennis and Anna] are very, very personable people. Very sensitive to the needs of people. Dennis and Anna have done fantastic things for community relationships here within Crittenden County... between the police department, fire department... with other churches... They love the Lord and they love those that they work with."
Jack Malone, Elder
, West Memphis, AR   
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"I think Dennis is quite an energetic, caring person... always makes you feel extremely good about yourself in situations regardless of what they are... [He's] extremely talented, resourceful, witty... He's made an incredible impact on my life..."
Andy Stetzinger
, West Memphis, AR   
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"I love Dennis because he loves the Lord and he shows his love with enthusiasm and excitement and I really appreciate that about him."
Cathy Sipple
, West Memphis, AR   
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"Dennis Crawford, to me, is one of the best preachers I've ever heard. He can be a common guy..."
Clint Blankenship
, West Memphis, AR   
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"Dennis Crawford has been an excellent preacher at the Missouri Street Church of Christ. He's brought a new life to the church as well as being personable and down to earth in his Biblical presentation..."
Jan Goslin
, West Memphis, AR   
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"...we've really enjoyed him being here. There's been a lot of exciting changes in the worship services as well as the membership here... he is a man with a great heart..."
John Gossett
, West Memphis, AR   
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"...he preaches really well. I have a teenage boy and the teenagers feel that he is teaching to them because he looks at them a lot... he is teaching the sermon to him..."
Sherry Blanchard
, West Memphis, AR   
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What has Dennis Written? - What have People Said about Dennis? - Anna Crawford
Résumé - Infrequently Asked Questions - Guest Book

Dennis Crawford
500 Slaydon St.
Henderson, Texas 75654
Phone: 903-655-2491

Last update of this page: February 10, 2003
Design by Michael Tackett.

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